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Receive SMS Online

Receive SMS online with the webs only exclusive temporary numbers. Always free, no signup required.

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What are temporary phone numbers?

Temporary phone numbers are also known as disposable phone numbers. They are virtual mobile numbers used for a specific period of time and then discarded. They are used to protect the user's privacy when making or receiving calls and texts. These numbers can be used to register for websites, receive OTPs (one-time passwords), and other services.

Why use us?

Virtual Phone Numbers

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Test a new app or website without worrying about your primary phone number - receive notifications or promotional offers without giving out your real telephone. Bypass phone verification when signing up for online accounts.

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Protect your privacy when signing up for online services.

Avoid giving out your real phone number to strangers and prevent spam calls and SMS messages.

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Free Temporary Telephone Numbers

All our virtual numbers are 100% free to use.

How to get started


Find a virtual number in the list above


Send an SMS message to the number


Refresh messages until your message appears on screen

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Carter, US

Recently tried this out, love it - worked very well. Instructions were clear and messages came through basically instantly. No horribly intrusive ads like other services on the internet.

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Heather, UK

First time using, very easy and able to open another chatgpt account with free credits. Perfect will use again

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Fraiser, CA

Big positive - most numbers are fresh, especially the Canadian ones. For this reason I use them over other temp number sites any day of the week.